### 2.2.1 Update: Support changed server-architecture (found on Strato) and print errors to screen when initialize.php has not been detected (#66) ### 2.2.0 Update: Refractor classes to Contao namespace (#302) Update: Contao 4.9 LTS compatibility ### 2.1.0 New: Back to Fontawesome in backend iconpicker widget, so it matches the frontend output (#62) ### 2.0.0 New: New font library: line-awesome (#56,#57) Change: Do not include the script librarys to the page automatically. A source must be set in the system settings (#57) ### 1.9.3 Fixed: Search did not work due to Contao session changes (#58) ### 1.9.2 Update: PHP 7.2 compatibility (#53) Update: Put constants in quotations for php 7.2 ### 1.9.1 Update: Minor styling changes under Contao 4 ### 1.9.0 Fixed: Define TL_SCRIPT with path to the external file Fixed: tl_pct_customelement_attribute.eval_tl_class_w50,eval_tl_class_clr showed up twice (#47) Fixed: Load the DCA modifications via Hook to place the palette below CustomElements (#46) ### 1.8.3 Update: Strictly load pct_customelements before via autoload.ini because various Contao4.4 installations load modules in reverse order for some reasons ### 1.8.2 Update: Do not return the tl_pct_customelement_attribute dca file when CustomElements has not been installed yet (#43) Update: Try to locate subfolder installations in iconpicker.php (#41) ### 1.8.1 Fixed: Find path to initialize.php correctly in contao3 and contao4 web structures (#41) ### 1.8.0 Update: Contao 4.4 ready (#37) Update: Added an icon preview container next to wizard icon to avoid wrong font settings of the widget in the backend (#38) Removed: DCA field load_callback (#38) ### 1.7.2 Fixed: Failed to load DataContainer in CustomCatalogs ### 1.7.1 Update: Transifex language files ### 1.7.0 New: Support {{icon::MY-ICON-CLASS}} inserttags (#33) ### 1.6.6 Fixed: Missing wizard icon Update: Path to the initialize.php for IIS servers ### 1.6.5 Update: Support CE2 correctly ### 1.6.4 Update: Remove class restriction in callback function parameters (#28) ### 1.6.3 Fixed: Load Fontawesome from CDN as general fallback (#26) ### 1.6.2 Update: Check if data container array has been loaded already before loading it in dca files ### 1.6.1 Fixed: Replace the headline correct when headline element has a class attribute (#21) Update: Do not automatically manipulate the output when processing a custom template (#20) ### 1.6.0 Update: Better fallback when Iconpicker runs in an environment without CustomElements Update: Fontawesome CDN to 4.5.0 ### 1.5.4 Update: Set fontawesome source to local (if CustomElements is installed) or cdn as fallback if Config has not been saved yet (#17) ### 1.5.3 Fixed: Missing parameter in strpos methode ### 1.5.2 Added: sql definition in DCA array for CustomCatalog Update: Add more apache servers to be recognized ### 1.5.1 Fixed: Support nginx server correctly (#14) ### 1.5.0 Added: New IconPicker palette in settings and fontaweseome source selection (#12) Update: Load the stylesheets in the frontend Update: Support fontawesome classes Update: Support external stylesheet files loaded via CDN Update: Support custom icon class selectors like ".myIcon-" etc. set in systemconfig Update: Rebuild the popup window instance based on contaos pop windows and classes loaded via autoload.php (#10) ### 1.4.2 Fixed: The iconpicker popup windows won't close under Contao 3.5 Update: Added the request token to the urls ### 1.4.1 Fixed: The require_once statement might have caused an php error on misc. servers ### 1.4.0 Fixed: Remove the caching because it causes error when loading external CSS definitions ### 1.3 Added: English language files (#4) ### 1.2 Fixed: Wrong class name call to AutoGrid Fixed: Check if pct_autogrid runs before calling classes Added: changelog.txt, Version constant: PCT_ICONPICKER_VERSION