### 1.10.3 Update: Added:requires[] = "news" in autoload.ini ### 1.10.2 Fixed: Adjust customTpl callback for template selections under Contao 4.9 (#270) Update: Include customTpl selection for AG form fields (#271) Update: Restrict the manual sorting feature to tl_news (#272) Update: Removed class restriction in parseWidgetCallback $objWidget parameter ### 1.10.1 Fixed: SQL error due to new Contao news_order under Contao 4.9 (#261) Fixed: tl_module.news_order twice in palettes (#261) Update: Use loadDataContainer Hook to apply manual sorting in backend (#261) ### 1.10.0 Update: Contao 4.9 LTS compatibility ### 1.9.6 Fixed: Removed the bypass condition for the token GET parameter (reverse #110) (#126) ### 1.9.5 Update: Add the .autogrid CSS class for the Article Wrapper Start element (ce_autogridwrapper.html5) only when a grid class is selected (#124) ### 1.9.4 Update: Easier support for same-height feature using a single AG-wrapper element with same-height option set ### 1.9.3 Update: Include grid.css in generatePage Hook to minimize the TL_CSS globals references ### 1.9.2 Update: Secure AG from inconstant data from outside when executing the tl_news onload_callback for manual sorting ### 1.9.1 Fixed: "Same-height" feature did not fire for manual grids (#117) ### 1.9.0 Added: No gutter feature (#114) Update: Put constants in quotations for php 7.2 ### 1.8.4 Fixed: Newsletter module shows invalid token. Bypass Autogrid features for include content elements when processing the site with the token GET parameter (#110) Fixed: Disable same height feature in manual mode (#111) ### 1.8.3 Fixed: Removed var_dump in line 1300 ### 1.8.2 Fixed: AG Wrappers not firing for form fields under Contao 4.4 due to required parse() method (#105) Fixed: AG directly for news entries did not respect the manual sorting (#107) ### 1.8.1 Fixed: AG not firing for form fields under Contao 4.4 due to missing tableless option in forms under Contao 4.4 Fixed: Wrong version number ### 1.8.0 Update: Contao 4.4 ready (#101) ### 1.7.4 Fixed: Subpalettes loaded twice: use tid GET parameter as indicator ### 1.7.3 Fixed: Compatibility update to the toggle visibility button when [ce-access] is running (#97) ### 1.7.2 Fixed: PCT\Autogrid\DcaLoader extends \Controller to prevent loading Backend classes when called via loadDataContainer Hook ### 1.7.1 Fixed: Authenticate the backend user in initializeSystem Hook if it has not been before ### 1.7.0 Fixed: Wrong backend view for admins in manual sorting mode (#91) Fixed: A connection resource error duo to initializeSystem Hook Fixed: An issue with the same-height option duo to css styling (#90) Added: Choose the sorting logic in newslist module (#92) ### 1.6.5 Added: tl_news.sorting to backend sorting option Update: Bypass permission check on cut,cutAll actions to support manual sorting for non-admin (#87) Update: Moved all tl_news related DCA callbacks to \PCZ\AutoGrid\TableNews class Update: Wrong version number ### 1.6.4 Fixed: Respect limits in manually sorted archives (#84) Fixed: The static parameter should be called with only one dash in config.php ### 1.6.3 Fixed: Changed .same-height to display:flex (#82) ### 1.6.2 Fixed: Missing ptable check in AutoGrid::fetchSiblingContentElements() (#80) ### 1.6.1 Fixed: Remove debug call from ce_autogridspacer template ### 1.6.0 New: AutoGrid Spacer content element (#74) Fixed: Missing element default class e.g. mod_article in block grid start and block grid stop elements (#76) Fixed: In multiple edit modes AG added it's fields by the number of elements being edited at the moment ### 1.5.1 Fixed: A rights issue in articles, content, formfields to toggle the autogrid icon (#70) ### 1.5.0 Update: PHP7 ready ### 1.4.0 Update: Apply manual news sorting via 'newsListFetchItems' Hook available since Contao 3.5 to gain high compatibility to other extensions manipulating the NewsModel (#67) ### 1.3.3 Fixed: Detect the end of autogrid elements correctly to avoid empty elements (#60) Fixed: Losing autogrid class on copy,copyAll (#61) Fixed: Add missing fields in editAll, overrideAll mode (#64) Added: New line feature in Autogrid Wrapper elements (#63) Update: Support the i18nl10n extension Update: Rename the autogridWrapper Elements (#59) Update: Remove the AutoGrid icon for Wrapper Elements ### 1.3.2 Fixed: Missing class in include elements when AG is turned off (#55) Fixed: Missing autogrid_wrapper around articles Update: The AutogridWrapper contentelements now work just like the block grid feature ### 1.3.1 Fixed: Missing subpalette in editAll and overrideAll mode (#53) ### 1.3.0 Added: Support include elements with fallback to original element settings (#48) Added: News support (#24) Added: Manual sorting for news entries (#49) ### 1.2.4 Fixed: Check if a real margin value has been set for the ContentAutoGridWrapper (#45) Update: Grid class should be applied on wrapper div (#46) ### 1.2.3 Fixed: Load the assets via loadDataContainer to resolve losing the session ### 1.2.2 Added: -webkit-flex for Safari and webkit-based browsers ### 1.2.1 Fixed: Register the initializeSystem Hook not for the install tool ### 1.2.0 Added: Autogrid Wrapper Start/Stop Added: Autogrid Wrapper Start/Stop formfields Added: No gutter feature (#32) Added: Adjust mobile feature (#35) Added: Displacement feature (#33) Update: Improved the same-height rendering using display:flex Update: Apply same-height only on wrappers Update: More efficient html structure and more classes to use Update: General performance updates Update: Better DCA handling ### 1.1.11 Added: More media queries Added: More classes for the autogrid_wrapper element Added: The first element opening the wrapper inherits its classes to the wrapper class Update: Chosen for select fields Update: include the css with ||static parameter (#25) ### 1.1.10 Update: Calculate the grid based on paddings (#22) ### 1.1.9 Added: English language files (#20) Update: Replace the tl_article.space field for palette injection Update: Minor bug fixes ### 1.1.8 Fixed: Identify the element type to open and close wrappers only when the correct element type has been processed ### 1.1.7 Changed: Reset autogrid_wrapper for phones ### Version 1.1.6 Fixed: New line breaks auto mode sibling count (#11) Fixed: .autogrid selector overwrites all paddings (#13) Changed: Removed .block class for .autogrid selector (#12) ### Version 1.1.5 (2014-06-02) Fixed: Wrong return value in ::fetchSiblingContentElements ### Version 1.1.4 (2014-05-27) Fixed: Using globals to store sibling data for fix losing the siblings when the class is being reinitiated (#9) ### Version 1.1.3 (2014-05-13) Fixed: Fixed an issue with the autogrid_wrapper with nested autogrid elements in auto_mode ### Version 1.1.2 (2014-05-07) Added: Block-grid feature for manuell grid mode Added: New backend icons (operation button) Update: Wrapper style view in mode 4 elements when running blockgrid mode (#5) ### Version 1.1.1 (2014-04-30) Fixed: Wrong calculation of sibling elements from one element in auto mode to the next in manuell mode ### Version 1.1 (2014-04-30) Fixed: No wrapping of formfields in auto mode (#2) Added: Changelog.txt and Version constant: PCT_AUTOGRID_VERSION ### Version 1.0 (< 2014-04-30)